「 Avatar 」 一覧
PS VR vs HMZ-T1 comparison by watching a movie "Avatar 3D"
Now, PS VR can display Blu-ray 3D movie after PS4 update on 9th March 2017. PS4 System Software Update 4.50 Out Tomorrow – PlayStation.Blog I knew that I can watch 3D movies by this update, but I had no time to try it. This time, I watched the movie "Avatar 3D" with both PS VR and a SONY head-mounted display, HMZ-T1. Environment PlayStation4 Pro(CUH-7000BB01) System version:4.70 PlayStation VR Sony HMZ-T1(Japanese) Avatar Limited 3D Edition Blu-ray (Retail disc which is not a disc distributed during Panasonic recorder campaign) Watching Avatar 3D through PS VR At first, I watched Avatar 3D with ...